Monday, January 20, 2014

Happy Birthday? ♡

1 hour 51 minutes more.. 21st January.. guess what.. is momma's big day She's 48 already.. when I was small, I always thought my mom is forever 39 years old.. lol.. kinda not logical minded.., sorry lar.. sometimes I pissed you off, and you pissed me off.. hahaha.. never mind.. I'll love you and stay by your side forever ;) I'll try not to make you angry.. btw do you know the time we're going to spend together are getting less? hmm.. 1 of the reason I sleeping late was.. I used to wait you and papa back home only I can sleep.. I must talk with you both and chat for a little while..only I go to sleep..
I seldom slept before 11pm.. except I'm really tired and sleepy.. ahhhh.. at whenever, wherever.. i miss you both so much.. I'll appreciate the times I spend with you both..
I want to own a HAPPY family.. I don't really want myself to get in many different relationships. I don't want complicated life..that's it..

Today we presented our slideshow of our coming concert.. give some speeches.. actually it's a great feeling when principal gives you a *thumbsup*but she's really troublesome.. hahaha!after so many troubles occur.. during recess time,we all are so surprised to see lcc there in charging of Scholastic Story Books. lol :P I thought today can take the book that I purchased dy.. sad to know today only submitted the form to the company -.-
tomorrow English Oral test is going to start.. Pn. Mariammah gave me a promotion :P
nowadays keep busying prepare for the event.. so she knew that la..we don't have time to prepare for oral at all.. unfortunately I drew group number 2 == but luckily we can skipped for once! *ngekngekngek..*

10 more days forward.. is CNY's reunion dinner.. as usual.. I'll staying at home bro will be back from KL and grandma will be back from Johor on 29th :)) heard that she's staying in Ipoh for a short periods of time.. guess she'll be going back on May/June that holiday..

uhggg.. should stop typing.. suppose to do homework right now ._. how to rush my sejarah notes and let her check on THURSDAY?!
see you guys soon here!


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